Protection is the key...

The wax

Waxing your RV is a big undertaking. Not only is it labor intesive but is also time consuming. The products we use not only gives you a great shine but also provides protection from those harmful UV rays. This means your RV and vehicle will be less prone to any oxidation of the gel coat or clear coated surface.

Below is the ways Aqua Squad makes sure you get the best possible waxing experience:

The Aqua Squad Advantages:

Save on time

Having the right tools for the job is the key to success. This not only saves time, but also ensures that the job is done right.

The Wax

There are many types of waxes available on the market. Using a top quality marine wax allows for the maximum protection of your RV or vehicle.

Brilliant Shine

We take pride in you shine! Studies have shown that clean vehicles (including RVs) make you feel healthier, happier and less stressed!

Travel clean!

You are only a few clicks away from having a clean RV.

Click below to schedule your detail today.